Stephanie is the main character in the series of 24+ books. She has the worst luck at staying employed in Trenton, NJ. When the desperation sets in, she turns to her cousin Vinnie to help her by teaching her the ropes at becoming a bond enforcer. Most of her captures are based on luck and help of Ranger, Lula, or Morelli. The other thing that she has a terrible track record with is keeping a car in working order (except for Big Blue). To be honest, her vehicles are usually the target of retaliation by the FTAs (failure to appears) when she’s on their trail. I chose Bellissimo as the font for her character as it made me think this is how she would write with a lipstick when she couldn't find a pen.
The funniest character in the series is Stephanie’s maternal grandmother, Grandma Mazur, who likes to go to the local funeral parlor to see the viewings of former friends or murder victims as a social activity. To stay safe, she likes to smuggle a .45 long barrel that she named Elsie, out of the house in her purse whenever she goes out in the evening. One of the most memorable scenes in the series is when she accidentally shoots a turkey in the butt during a family dinner. I chose Constantia for Grandma’s character font because it is a timeless classic.
Stephanie’s cousin, Vinnie Plum, is a bail bondsman for his father-in-law, Harry the Hammer, who fronted him the dough to start Vincent Plum’s Bail Bonds. Vinnie rarely talks to any of his employees and is gossiped about in the office regarding his affinity for farm animals, secret bookie calls, and naps. The character font for Vinnie is VinerHand ITC what I thought of when I think of Vinnie.
Stephanie’s merry-go-round boyfriend is Joe Morelli who is a Trenton Vice cop and former first love of Stephanie. He is also known as the “Italian Stallion,” and “Officer Hottie.” Morelli’s nickname for Stephanie is “Cupcake.” As the storyline progresses, Morelli morphs into husband material overnight which causes him to become more valuable to Stephanie’s mom because she wants grandchildren soon. Morelli works with Ranger to keep Stephanie out of harm’s way.
Ranger or Ricardo Carlos Manoso is the love rival in the love triangle between Morelli and Stephanie. Ranger used to work for Vinnie before he started his own security firm, Rangeman. Ranger loves Stephanie in his own manner but will not marry her or have a family because he doesn’t want to have them used as leverage. Ranger loves the color black; therefore, the uniforms, and cars are all black. He works with Morelli to protect Stephanie from the dangerous skips and is constantly providing her with cars. His nickname for her is “Babe.” I chose the same font for both Morelli and Ranger, Mobsters due to the constant reference to firearms and this font contains guns for certain letters.